Firstly, it turns out differently and secondly than you think.


irstly, it turns out differently and secondly than you think.

This saying should become reality for a bodyguard in 2002.

The entire team was up to its ears in the preparations for the personal protection of the wife of a president from the Arab world. Accordingly, everyone was involved and worked at full speed for the VIP, but also on the extended security measures (RECON, consultation with the police and other authorities, etc.). Everyone wanted to be well prepared, because in the end it was also for a good cause, because the VIP was a guest at the biggest and well-known charity event in Germany.

In the midst of these preparations, another order came in for the same event, with a similar level of awareness only from a different industry. A singer who was supposed to perform again in Germany after years of abstinence also wanted security service. His concert was to be the main show act of the evening and at the same time a surprise for everyone in the audience. So it was top secret, only very few people were informed.

"Guys, who knows the music? Who will take on the job?” asked the operations manager.
3... 2... 1... mine, thought the personal protection specialist, said yes and thus had the new client.
"Well, you have the job, but you do it alone, I need the other guys for the main job," added the operations manager.

Well, you grow with your challenges, thought personal security specialist and didn't let that deter you.

All the effort and trouble he took on himself (education, accompaniment, service, etc.) was worth it. When the VIP and executive protection specialist were sitting, completely incognito, in the café on the city's promenade, they not only enjoyed the coffee in the warm autumn sun, but also the luxury that many celebrities do not have, namely rest, relaxation and neglect.

Furthermore, the VIP and the executive protection specialist should be offered a small spectacle. The EP could hear their colleagues over the radio and knew they were nearby. It didn't take long before the other VIP and bodyguard saw the other team too: on the opposite side of the street, framed by her entourage, the lady tried to withstand the media hype surrounding her.

The VIP watched the spectacle with amusement and was very grateful that both of them, completely unrecognized, with sunglasses and baseball caps, looked like two shopping tourists who were taking a little break.

Nobody would have thought that the real star of the evening was sitting here.

Thus, he was able to give his best, completely recovered and deeply relaxed, and put on a grandiose performance. The surprise for the audience was perfect and the musical performance world class. It was easy for him to be captivated by the media hype, which at midday was still about someone else.

Because, as it is well known, the best comes at last...

(c) RH

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